Hi there, I'm the Aberdeen

This is my story.

When the danger of property damage meant a beloved front yard pin oak had to come down, the owners contacted Rustbelt Reclamation to ensure it would live on as something more memorable than firewood! The Aberdeen is one of many pieces crafted with that salvaged material. Located in a region of the U.S. that produces some of the best hardwoods, Rustbelt Reclamation salvages incredible materials that are ideal for crafting heirloom quality furniture. This piece is a great example of our commitment to sustainable practices and celebrating the history of the material we use. The Aberdeen table is crafted to withstand decades of commercial use, ensuring its story will continue through different spaces and locations throughout its long life.

I was crafted in Cleveland, OH, to be a part of the OneWorkplace Monterey Showroom, to highlight our Heirloom partnership and the quality and fine finishes that are a part of every Rustbelt Reclamation piece.

Learn More About Heirloom

Watch our video to see what makes us special and why our furniture will never see a landfill.

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